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徐淑瑛  教授

國立中山大學 外國語文學系

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聖經翻譯與翻譯理論 (二) ;聖經翻譯與語言學



甲、 Translation Studies Development

i. Descriptive science

ii. Applied translation studies

iii. Historiography

iv. Research method

Toury (1995) - Descriptive as the major area / Applied as extension

Leuven-Zwart (1992) - Theoretical: Describing and explaining phenomena of translation

Applied: Developing means and methods for translators

乙、 Cognitive Approach

Gutt (2000)

i. Translation is a kind of interplay between psychological context and the processing effort

ii. Application of the principle of relevance

iii. Relevant to the target readership, accessibility, and ease of processing

iv. Clear and natural in expression

v. Should not be difficult to understand

丙、 Culturally oriented research

i. Stem from post-structuralism

ii. Emphasis of social and historical differences

iii. Suspicious of universals and formalizations

iv. Emphasis of specific languages and discourses, cultures and sexualities

Bassnett & Lefevre, 1990; Walllmach, 2000


甲、 Universalism

i. Universal Grammar 普遍語法 & Language Acquisition Device (LAD) (Noam Chomsky)

乙、 Relativity

i. Boas, Sapir and Whorf:

Strong claim: Language determines to some degree the conceptual system of a linguistic community by leading their speakers to perceive some aspects of their reality, while concealing others from them.

Weaker claim: language reflects the way we perceive/ conceptualize the world.

ii. Cognitive linguistics 認知語言學

Language influences aspects of a community’s perception of their reality.

Implications for translation: lgs differ widely to reflect widely differing cultures and world views > UG

丙、 Typology 類型學語言學

丁、 Cross-cultural semantics

戊、 Pragmatics語用學

己、 Sociolinguistics 社會語言學

庚、 Discourse Analysis 言談分析

辛、 Information Structure


Rieu, E.V. and J.B. Phillips (1954), “Translating the Gospels,” Bible Translator 6: 150–9.

Naudé, Jacobus A. (2002). An overview of recent developments in translation studies with special reference to the implications for Bible translation. Acta Theologica, 22(1), 44-69

Ciampa, Roy E. (2009). Contemporary approaches to Bible translation: origins, characteristics and issues. Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões (6), 59-101

馬紅莉。(2012)。〈《官話和合譯本》與《文理和合譯本》新約翻譯原則比較〉,《基督教文 化學刊》,2,頁 229-259。

Ross, L Ronald. (2003). Advances in Linguistic Theory and their Relevance to Translation. In Timothy Wilt (Ed.), Bible Translation: Frames of Reference (pp. 113-151).

Yariv-Laor, Lihi. (1999). Linguistic aspects of translating the Bible into Chinese. In Bible in Modern China: The Literary and Intellectual Impact. Institut Monumenta Serica.

周復初、劉偉倫、呂啟萱。(2017)。〈文學與神學的交融-新約、漢譯與文化交流〉,《世界宗 教文化》,4,頁 59-67。




會議主題一: 「新約希臘文與漢譯中的語法議題」 主講人:陳祥教授 1. 新約希臘文版本簡要歷史 l 新約聖經使徒書寫的原稿,已經不在。現存的是多種的聖經手抄本,有的寫在蒲草紙上,有的寫在牛皮紙上或羊皮紙上。許多的新約聖經抄本陸續地被發現,像較有名的像西奈抄本( Sinaiticus Codex),1844年在埃及的修道院發現的。 l 在1455年第一本印製的聖經是拉丁文武加大譯本 (Vulgate


會議主題一:「聖經詮釋學-2」 主講人: 徐淑瑛教授 Basic Semantic Theory 1. Meaning: Author’s intended meaning; what the text “means” for each of us; “words are arbitrary symbols that have meaning only in a context. 2. “Mean

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